Measurement: 1.5 x 1 x .4 cm
Material/colour: grey (possibly originally blue) glazed composition
Technique: ceramic; underside pierced horizontally
Condition: front leg broken off on right side of Clypeus, some wear on back
Date: Twenty-sixth Dynasty reportedly from Sakkara.
Identification and Interpretation: Naturalistic scarab with legs in relief tucked underneath convex belly. Sometimes the legs are very clearly detailed, but in this case they are merely suggested on the bottom of the scarab,
Workmanship: nicely detailed head and legs
Function and Meaning: Underbelly pierced from side to side for stitching to mummy wrappings. Such scarabs are often found in groups on the chest of Late Period Mummies. Scarab provides guarantee of renewal and rebirth in the next life.
Parallels: Portland Art Museum 29.16.21a, See also Andrews, Amulets, p. 59, plate 59 for a number of examples from the British Museum
Provenance: Collected by Gustave Jéquier (1868-1946)
Ex. Billy Jamieson Collection, 2009 (1954-2011)
Authentication: Gayle Gibson, Royal Ontario Museum Toronto